Trees and Flowers 2011-2012

This is a series of photos showing some of the trees, plants
and flowers around our home in late 2011 and early 2012.

These first two pictures were taken on September 11,
showing our New Hampshire Sugar Maple changing color.

This is a view of our backyard on September 11.  Note, left
to right, the chinese lantern plants, the gorgeous dahlias,
a tree of unknown type I found growing among the
agapanthus plants and transplanted into a pot, and
the fast-fading agapanthus and hydrangea flowers.

Our Christmas Cactus was in full bloom at the end of September.

A close-up shot of one of the flowers. Beautiful!

Our Shefflera tree was getting to be too tall.  I read that if you
trimmed off the top that the plant would grow new branches.
Our tree decided to put the new branch right at the top!

The following three pictures were taken on November 19:

The first is showing our three year old strawberry tree.

The miniature roses in the flower box attached to our front railing.

Ellen sent us our annual pick of partridge berries from New Hampshire.
Here they are after being placed along with moss in our "berry jar".

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